Monday, August 6, 2012


I am joining up with the linky party (fingers crossed!) hosted by Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade.  This is the first time I have ever tried this but I have read so many blogs who participate that i just had to join in.  The template part was fairly easy (thanks to Jen at The Teachers' Cauldron!)  The next part is going to be trial and error.  Not so sure about the linky here goes nothin"!

1.  One of the advantages of being home in the summer is being home with my kids.  One of the disadvantages is...being home with my kids (saying that with love, of course).  It has been so hot, who can blame them for not wanting to be outside...but, ugh, the xbox is ready to burst into flame it has been used so much!
2.  I have been a slug today.  There are no big claims to fame.  It is what it is.
3.  I HAVE been doing lots of schoolwork, but there is SO much more to get done before it starts again.  Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
4.  See numbers 2 and 3.  Mission accomplished :)
5.  Still working on this.  Laundry is a possibility.
6.  The internet has been my friend this summer.  There are SO MANY ideas out there.  I am going to move to a binder system for storing all my "stuff".  Things get sucked into a void in my filing cabinet and I can never find what I want until it is too late.  I have been inspired by blogs, pinterest, and "the sisters".  The Daily Five and CAFE have sparked my interest in a new way of doing things.  Always looking for ways to cram more into a two hour and 45 minute program!

Here's where the party's at...Hope I have done this right!!
Oh' boy fourth grade


  1. I just found your blog through Farley's linky! That means you did it right!
    I'm doing Daily 5 for the first time this year, too! It's a little overwhelming, but I'm looking forward to it. Please come visit my blog!

    First with Franklin

    1. Yay! Thanks for taking the time to let me know. I appreciate it!

  2. Hey Deb, loved reading your Currently. This was my first try to link up also............we made it!


    1. Congratulations! This has been quite the learning experience. Now I am working on how to get my title hyperlinked when I post. Yikes!
