Friday, April 10, 2015

Good! And you?
How are things?  It's been a while!!  As always, when things get crazy, my blogging takes a back seat (in spite of my good intentions!)  Anywho... Thought I'd pop in to catch up a little bit and maybe motivate myself to get back on track.

1) Last week I started the Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred.  I was really loving the extra exercise but I took a break for the weekend (Easter happened) and haven't gotten back to it yet.  (It's been one of "those" weeks!)  Hoping to start again over the weekend!

2) In other fitness news.... The end of March brought the end of the LONGEST month EVER!!  I am still working my way through 2,015 miles for 2015.  Three months in and I am proud to say that I have continued to reach my monthly goals.  Total miles thus far: Jan -181.3, Feb - 152.9, and March 170.2.  For a grand total of: 504.4 miles so far this year!

3) Last Thursday, the third grade at my school had exciting things happening!  Just in time for Easter, all their chicks hatched!  My kindergartners were so excited to take a "field trip" down the hall for a visit :)  This little guy was the only yellow one.  The rest were all Rhode Island Reds and Dominiques.  The "peep, peep, peep" sound was the cutest thing ever!  I will happily take any signs of spring.  I am SO over this winter!

4) Our Easter weekend started on Friday night with Egg Coloring.  My aunt is a brave woman!  We all bombed into her house for the big event.  Good food, good company, and ten kids, ranging from ages ten down to two...A great time was had by all!  I hosted Easter on Sunday... 17 people for dinner and 21 for supper.  It was a busy, crazy day and I wouldn't change it for the world!  I am, however, still recovering... looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!


5) In the midst of all this... My kids also had their birthdays.  My Girlie turned 18 on Saturday and Bubba was 15 on Tuesday.  Since this Sunday is Greek Easter and we are going to my brother and sister-in-law's to celebrate with her family, we decided to get one cake to celebrate all the special events in April.  Life is just one big party right now!!

1 comment:

  1. 2015 miles for 2015 - great goal! Awesome that it is April and you are still right on schedule :) Go you!
