Thursday, July 18, 2013


Okay, here's the deal.  It's summer.  That usually brings a ton of teacher projects, catch-ups on professional readings, and organizing (work, my house, etc.).  This summer has been different.  I think it's because last year was a "tough" year with a new principal, new mandates, Common Core, piloted math series. etc.  I have been doing work for my district this summer.  It hasn't consumed a ton of my time, but enough that I don't want to do any classroom "stuff". 

This week I turned introspective.  I decided that since I have put on alot of weight am fat, I need to DO something.  Now.  So, welcome C25K.  It is an app that supposedly gets you ready to run a 5K.  Two things about this: 1) I don't run. 2) See number 1.  I started the app's Day 1 on Tuesday and repeated Day 1 yesterday.  I think I need to be able to complete Day 1, before I move on to Day 2.  Right?  Today will be another Day 1.  Ugh.  This could take a while.

My goal?  The weight tracker on my phone (another app I should stay away from), says I am overweight and that my goal weight is 40 pounds away.  I don't know about that.  I'm going to live in the moment.  My goals?  Conquer Day 1 of C25K.  How much weight?  I'd like to fit back in my fat pants, however many pounds that is.

Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.


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