Tuesday, July 30, 2013

C25K - Update

Today was the first day of week 3.  I did the first day yesterday too, unsuccessfully.  It's hard.  Yikes, it's hard.  It's a BIG jump to run 3 consecutive minutes (that sounds so lame!).  I'm keeping at it though.  I actually went to the track this time.  While I have walked on and off for the past few years, I have never gone to the local track; it just seemed like it would be "boring" going around in circles.  I made the decision to try it today because, while I love my neighborhood, I needed to focus on putting one foot in front of the other and not worry about traffic, uneven surfaces, transitions between sidewalks and other various surfaces, etc.  And...I did it!  Not well, not fast, but I made it!  

I also weighed in this morning...I am down 6 pounds.  Yay!    

This is exactly how it was yesterday!

Thursday, July 25, 2013


When I read Growing Kinders' ideas and question about how we manage to post target learning goals in our classrooms, I knew I just had to share!  I LOVE Wall-Pops.  They are "removable wall decals".  I stick them right to my whiteboard.  They can be written on with dry erase markers, cleaned off with felt erasers or white board spray and paper towel, and can be repositioned without damaging the board.  Being approximately the size of a dinner plate, there is plenty of room to write a short learning objective.  And... most importantly, they look cute :)

I always write the objective/target with the kids as we begin each lesson.  My district has encouraged this strategy for the past few years and it is now listed as part of the lesson on our new evaluation tool.  Since I was HORRIBLE at remembering to do this, the brightly colored circles on the board provide a nice visual reminder.   I wish I had a picture of my classroom to share!  
 Wallpops Dots, Blox, Stripes
  I am sure there are many other ways they can be used (maybe on a table as a space to practice skills during a small group?)  Hmmm... I'll have to think about that!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

C25K - Week 2

I survived week one!  Yay!!  I had my doubts.  I  still have doubts... but, I'm still going for it.  Today was the first day of Week 2 and the running/walking cycles increased in time.  I was nervous to start this week because I wasn't all that confident in doing more after struggling through Week 1.  I have to say, it's slow going.  I have never been a runner, so I have no idea why I am doing this.  It's a challenge?  It's something new?  Who knows, but for now...I'll take it.  This morning I was excited to see that I have lost 3.4 pounds.  It's a start :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Okay, here's the deal.  It's summer.  That usually brings a ton of teacher projects, catch-ups on professional readings, and organizing (work, my house, etc.).  This summer has been different.  I think it's because last year was a "tough" year with a new principal, new mandates, Common Core, piloted math series. etc.  I have been doing work for my district this summer.  It hasn't consumed a ton of my time, but enough that I don't want to do any classroom "stuff". 

This week I turned introspective.  I decided that since I have put on alot of weight am fat, I need to DO something.  Now.  So, welcome C25K.  It is an app that supposedly gets you ready to run a 5K.  Two things about this: 1) I don't run. 2) See number 1.  I started the app's Day 1 on Tuesday and repeated Day 1 yesterday.  I think I need to be able to complete Day 1, before I move on to Day 2.  Right?  Today will be another Day 1.  Ugh.  This could take a while.

My goal?  The weight tracker on my phone (another app I should stay away from), says I am overweight and that my goal weight is 40 pounds away.  I don't know about that.  I'm going to live in the moment.  My goals?  Conquer Day 1 of C25K.  How much weight?  I'd like to fit back in my fat pants, however many pounds that is.

Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Alphabet Letter Exchange

For some reason it dawned on me today that I would love to participate in another Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom, Alphabet Letter Exchange.  (you know...the idea just hits you suddenly and you panic because... Well, what if you missed it??)  My class participated last year and they LOVED it.  We had a great time getting the letters, reading about other people's classrooms, and creating our own coconut tree.  Fortunately, Chrissy, from First Grade Found Me, is taking on the monumental task of organizing this again.  I just signed up and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be a part of this great activity!  If you are interested...just click the button and head on over to Chrissy's page :)

First Grade Found Me

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fourth of July Mani

I have no idea where all the time has gone!!  I have no excuses.  It is what it is.  (I say that so much, I should have it tatooed on my body somewhere!).  Anywho... the manicures I am posting today are some of my favorites from the past month or so.  The first being...Fourth of July!
Zoya's Rehka and Snow White, and Revlon's Indigo Night.
Any resemblance to the Gift Card is purely coincidental!  
Zoya's Shelby and Arizona.
This next mani was done in honor of our end of the year performance.  We did a song called "Down By the Bay".  For those who don't know the song, it features watermelons! 
Zoya's Shelby, Raven, Snow White and Color Show's GoGo Green
These cute ladybugs were created by kindergarten request :)
Zoya's Rekha, Raven, and Snow White
A little explanation...the reason for all the Zoya Polishes?  I went a little crazy when they had their Earth Day sale.  I have been using them for all kinds of color combos.  Hopefully I will have more manis to share in the near future.  I have a Christening this weekend...hmmm...what to do??