This year, I've decided to change it up. I AM thankful for the things in my life. I have been abundantly blessed and consider myself very lucky to have been able to take advantage of the opportunities that have come my way. Life may not be perfect, but I am more than okay. For the month of November I have decided to pay it forward, literally. Each week I am choosing a charity that reflects something I am thankful for.
When I reflect on what I am thankful for, my mind always seems to drift to those who may not have the basic necessities in their lives. At this time of the year, I think of people who depend on agencies to help them through the winter months ahead. The holidays are coming, the weather is getting colder, and overall expenses seem to just keep going up. Families, who maybe were "just making it", find themselves struggling. So, for my first charity, I donated to a food bank. This was actually an easy choice. November seems to be ALL. ABOUT. FOOD, so I think it was a good way to get into the spirit of giving :)
How about you? What do you think of the idea of giving thanks in this way?
I LOVE this idea :)