Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Oh, Alright.

So far, this has been a great summer.  I LOVE being able to sleep in, eat out, and make my own schedule.  It's not to say I don't have stress, because well, that's life and life can be stressful.  During the summer, I try to be "breezy", but the "back to school" talk is starting.  Real life is waiting just around the corner.  There is "stuff" needing to get done.  Monday, I made the decision to be concerned about my weight again.  It's been a good ride, I've had my fun, but in the interest of getting back into my work clothes, it's time to put my big girl panties on and face the badness.

9.2, y'all.  The badness is 9.2 lbs gained since the beginning of June.  That's just rude.  It's amazing how fast it found me after I worked so hard to lose it!

So, where am I going with this?  Well, one of the reasons I go to Weight Watchers is because of the leader.  She is funny.  She gets it. I always leave the meetings with "something".  A new recipe, a funny story, a new product to try, etc.  Monday night, I left with this...

This is so true!  I should have it tattooed on my body.  This single sentence sums up what I struggle with All. The. Time.  Enough excuses, just get it done.  Make the plan and stick to it!

Priorities.... It's all about priorities.  Yesterday, I tracked my food for the first time in months and "scheduled" some time with Jeff Galloway (sure, I'll try ANOTHER 5k program, why not?).  I am sore today but feeling positive :)  I'll leave you with some pictures from my "wog" (walk/jog). 

This is the beach area that is just a mile or so from my house.  I've mentioned it before... It's one of my favorite places to go.  

So pretty!
I hate this hill!
My favorite part... a walking path that is shaded and peaceful.
A refreshing place to cool down a bit... even when it's HOT out!
Today, I am going back out there.  Jeff and I are on a break until tomorrow, so I'll just walk... I know it's only day 2 of my "life style change", but I'm going to try to keep the momentum going :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is totally rude how quickly the weight finds its way back. Congrats on making it to Day 2 of your "life style change" that can be a tough hurdle. Wishing you many more "good" days strung together into great success :)
