Hey! It's been a while! It's been a "little" crazy here. Since I last blogged, I have traveled to beautiful California for a conference, come home to decisions, decisions, decisions about my house (vinyl siding! Yay! FINALLY!), completed some home improvements myself (bye-bye carpeting!), and run around like a crazy person driving my kids here and there. So. Where to start?
California was GORGEOUS. Hot, but dry. No humidity? I'll take it! With 2 days of travel, I was gone for a total of 5 days. Three days in sunny California. Most noteworthy? We ate. We ate well. I DID weigh in this past Wednesday. A two pound gain, but I'll take it. I'm surprised it wasn't more! One of my favorite places was a place called Gladstones. Great food and a BEAUTIFUL view.
Love the colors as the sun set :) |
The call came about the vinyl siding while I was in California. "We'd like to start Monday." Ummm...Sure! All the "stuff" was delivered on Monday and construction began nice and early on Tuesday. (Rise and shine, Buttercup! Flight arrived at 12:45am, home at 1:15am, in bed at 2:00am...up at 6:30am. UGH!) This project is LONG overdue. I hope I don't have buyer's regret. We've always lived in "the big white house on the corner". It's now going to be "the big green house", but when they started removing the white siding there was a lovely red color underneath. Oh, Red? Yup, the same color my husband would have picked for the siding, but I just couldn't picture it. I was afraid it would be too much. It wouldn't have been. But now? Well, we're going green and it's going to be GREAT! Right??
Getting there! |
Since the mood around here is "just get it done", I decided to finally tear out the carpet in my daughter's room. It was
a little smelly from our bad kitty and needed to GO (so does the cat, but that's another story). So, razor tool in hand, I set to work. Things I have learned from this experience? 1) Replace the razor frequently. The job is MUCH easier with a sharp blade. 2) Tack strips hurt. ALOT. Wear shoes. 3) Flip flops are probably not the best shoes for the job. But they will do. 4) Gloves, while optional, are probably a good idea. All those little tacks and staples? They leave you looking like you've been mauled. All that being said, the job is done. It's not pretty, but it's done.
That's all for now...It's been a busy couple weeks, but busy in a good way.
Hoping for a productive weekend :)
Cheers! Happy Friday!