Friday, July 13, 2012

Ahhhh....Summer "Vacation"

So far I have spent the summer "stalking" other blogs and wrapping my head around so many new ideas (Common Core, Daily 5, CAFE, new evaluation process, my portfolio, blogging, posting, etc.)  This whole blogging thing AMAZES me.  I am awed, inspired and overwhelmed by the talent people have in getting their ideas out there, linking up with others, and making virtual experiences "interactive".  Obviously, if I am going to continue to network through this page, I need to get my act together and figure out some of the ins and outs of blogging.  Sometimes I truly feel like the "old dog" who is struggling to learn "new tricks"!  Yikes...moving on... I just took my first small/brave step toward connecting with others on the internet...
I signed up to be part of an alphabet project hosted by Chrissy of First Grade Found Me.  I hope I get to participate...I love reaching out to other educators and my kiddos LOVE getting mail.  Years ago, I was lucky enough to do a similar project that featured the 50 states and it was such a worthwhile experience.  So, fingers crossed!

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