Monday, June 20, 2016


Love this... From one of my students :)
 A toast to happy endings and new beginnings!  The school year has come to an end, my classroom is all packed up and SUMMER is in sight.  The end of this year was a little more crazy than years past.  We have had a whole bunch of movement in our district with the LONG anticipated arrival of Full Day Kindergarten.  It's about time my district got on board!  I am beyond excited going into the new year but...

I did something stupid.  I volunteered to move my room.  We are adding two new kindergarten positions and there is not enough room to accommodate the classrooms in the wing of the building that currently houses our k classrooms.  On the spur of the moment and for a variety of reasons, I thought moving sounded like a good idea.  Holy Moly Batman, do I have a ton of stuff!  It's all been bagged, tagged, and boxed.  Ready to move into my new room, formerly known as the art room... which is absolutely one of the dirtiest places on the planet.  Good Lord, there's a lot to be done in there to make it inhabitable.  I am trying to be very zen about it all.  The walls need to be repainted (trying to get a plan together for that), the closet needs to be emptied of all things art, and the floors need to be stripped and waxed.  After all that, every surface of every closet, cabinet, and drawer (inside and out!) needs to be cleaned before anything can be put away.  My stuff is either in the hall outside my new room, or still being stored in my old room.  I have the rest of this week and then a week before the kiddos start in the fall to pull it all together.  Some say miracles can happen... We'll see!  

Goodbye old classroom, with its nice walls and lovely bright windows...
 Hello new room... we have miles to go, but we'll get there!

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