Friday, February 5, 2016

Happy Snow Day!

Linking up with with Amy, over at Love Made My Home.  Today's post made possible by.... A Snow Day!

1.  A break, today is a break!  I have not been productive, but here's hoping at some point today, I will not have wasted this opportunity!  I LOVE me a snow day.  I don't care that we have to "make it up".  I don't care that TODAY is theoretically the first day of "summer vacation".  I don't care that I am "stuck" at home (That is actually fabulous!).  There is joy in my heart, it is afternoon, and I am still in my jammies :)

2.  These past weeks have been stressful.  One by one, big things are getting done though.  This week, I was observed by my principal for my evaluation and I have been a wreck!  I love my principal, but I have never been "formally" observed by him and wasn't sure what to expect.  When the process is completed, there is an email notification saying the evaluation has been submitted (everything is done electronically!)  I didn't open it for 2 days.  I couldn't face it.  I finally looked yesterday and was SO relieved. I got a fantastic review and feel like (some of ) the weight of the world is off my shoulders. 
3.  More good news... My Girlie made Dean's List her first semester of college!  I am a very proud momma.  Now if we could just get the concepts of fiscal responsibility down.....
4.  Yoga update... I LOVE the yoga class I am doing now!  The first two classes we took were "forrest yoga" (apparently there are different styles?  Yes, of course.  I just didn't really think too deeply into this whole thing).  I enjoyed the first class, but the second class? No.  Probably had something to do with the teacher, he was a bit jerky.  So, we signed up for "Power Yoga", figuring if we embarrassed ourselves too terribly, we wouldn't go back. Great instructor, heated room, challenging but not overwhelming, followed by dinner out with my friend = A Fabulous Time :)  It is a welcomed break in the middle of the week.
5.  Weight loss update.... Slowly, but steadily I am moving down the scale once more.  I lost about 9lbs in January.  Looking to lose another 9 or so.  It's not easy, but it IS doable.  Would like to commit to using the dreadmill again, but I just haven't found it within myself to make it happen.  It's there, looming, trying to lure me in.  Soon.  "Soon".   
  Happy Friday, Everyone!  Have a GREAT weekend!



  1. Congratulations on the weight loss, something I should do the weight has been creeping on of late.

    1. It's not easy, but "easier" now that the holidays are over :)

  2. Yay for all the great things in this post!!!! You are obviously doing really well at everything, so just keep doing the same!! Thank you for joining Five On Friday, happy weekend1 xx

    1. Thank you for hosting! It's been a great week... Time to tackle the next hurdle!

  3. My sister loves her yoga and makes time for it every morning, it doesn't lend itself for me due to my disability unfortunately.

    Well done on the January weight loss, here is too a successful February.

    1. Thank you :) Yoga is not for everyone... it has surprised me how physical it is!

  4. A lovely round up, we have not had a snow day for a long time, I am delighted you are making the most if it! Congratulations on your evaluation, they are nerve wracking aren't they? your yoga class sounds great. Have a lovely weekend xx

    1. After last year, I didn't think I'd ever want another snow day! Today has been a lovely break. Back to "same old" tomorrow! Thank you for stopping by :)

    2. I can remember teacher evaluations, we had a scheduled one and an unscheduled one. I preferred the unscheduled.

    3. I prefer the unscheduled too! That will be next.. just come in and see what I do. Good practice is good practice. No dog and pony show needed.

  5. Congrats on your evaluation - such a relief :) Nine pound January is awesome - here's to February success!

    1. You've had an awesome month too... we got this!!

  6. Found your blog through Amy. I know how you must be feeling with that is sooo stressful to be observed all the time. In my last few years of teaching it was getting to happen far too often. Love snow days too. Not a flake here yet this winter sadly. Enjoy your weekend. Barbara X

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Being a teacher is fabulous; how teaching has changed...not so fabulous! We do what we have to do, but it's crazy what's expected now.

  7. Such a fun post :))) I love the squirrel doing yoga! Relax there!

  8. I have no idea what a dean list is but congratulations to your daughter and well done you on the evaluation from your principal. Bring observed is never an easy thing.

    1. Dean's list is an "honor roll" for good grades at the college level. Thank you for your congratulations :) Thank you for stopping by!

  9. I need to get back into weight loss and running. I need to do that. I will do that. Well done, super inspiring!

    Really glad you're enjoying the yoga, I tried one class once and I hated it, so maybe I should try a different one. Great tip!

    Congratulations to your daughter!

  10. Thank you for stopping by! I had tried a class a long time ago... and hated it! A friend kept telling me to give it another go. I'm so glad I listened :)
