1. Stressed: I have *committed* to a Huge project regarding work. I am taking the plunge and doing National Board certification (Theoretically. I need to complete the application process). I'm also being evaluated in a few weeks, so I am up to my eyeballs in paperwork. Between those two major things and the added attraction of committee work, I may not be back here until April. *sigh*
2. Excited: Downton Abbey is back!! Yay! It's bittersweet because it's the last season, but I was so glad to curl up with a nice mug of tea to watch the season premier on Sunday night. It was like seeing old friends again. Right now, Downton is literally the only show I watch. I love having a scheduled "break" the night before I go back to work. It's such a nice way to end the weekend :)
3. Reflective: I was checking out my 50 By 50 list to see if I even came CLOSE to the 15 things done resolution I made last year. Nope. I guess that means I'm going to have try harder this year. I'm taking it as a sign that I wasn't paying enough attention to the things I feel are important. Some of those things are career goals (Not Many!), some are projects that have been kicking around for years and just need to be done, but most are things I WANT to do and I should be prioritizing. Life should be about more than working.
4. Interested: In response to being reflective and stressed, I actually broadened my horizons a little this week. My friend and I signed up for a Yoga class. I really liked it... for a couple reasons. It was great to live in the moment for an hour and fifteen minutes. Just having to focus on one thing, without distraction or even the possibility of a distraction, for that amount of time was actually soothing. It's hard for me to tune out life. There is ALWAYS so much to do. Even when I am working on something that should get done, my mind is spinning off, rolling down other paths to think about what I will do next. It was great to just "be". Secondly, it was challenging! I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, physically fit. I'm not gonna lie... I was hurting for a few days after. There are apparently MANY muscles in my body that have not been utilized in a long time. I loved feeling like I accomplished something positive. I didn't expect to feel like I had "worked out". We liked it so much, we are going again next week! :)
5. Determined: This Monday was my first weekly weigh in at Weight Watchers. UP 1.6?? Really?! I was (mostly) good. New Year's and an additional Christmas Celebration with a friend did me in (I think!). I am
Have a wonderful weekend...