Monday, June 25, 2018


Things move fast around here!  It's been quite the whirlwind.  For awhile, there didn't seem to be much happening.  Then, all the sudden, it was time to buckle up... the roller coaster ride was about to start!  The end of the school year always brings its own excitement and this year did not disappoint. My Bubba graduated (Praise Baby Jesus!)  There have been moments of doubt I would see the day, but it actually happened!  So proud of my boy!!  So, we have a little celebrating to do this summer over that tremendous accomplishment.  In other news, I had to move classrooms AGAIN so there was lots of packing to be done.  The school year ended last Friday and I walked out of there exhausted, but with a song in my heart.  It's DONE... done and dusted, packed and moved, Hasta La Vista until the Fall! 

All that and now I can focus on this...
My house has SOLD and I am in the process of buying another one.  The tentative closing date for both properties is August 15th.  I am overwhelmed with the "adulting" involved: phone calls, inspections, decisions, and packing.  ESPECIALLY the packing.  It's just crazy.  I *know* I have a lot of stuff, but wowzer, you really don't KNOW how much you have until you have to physically touch every item you own.  I just keep talking myself off the ledge.  I have PLENTY of time to do all of this yet, I just feel swamped.  I thought I was over "it", but apparently the process of saying good-bye to this house is dredging up more than I could have anticipated.  I have invested so much of myself into this place.  While I am proud of what I have done, it makes me sad.  The stuff ("our" stuff) that is here to be packed, the feelings of loss of what I thought we had, and the memories that go with it all are still tough to take.  That being said, I'm trying hard not to wallow; it's time.  This last little bit shuts the door on a huge piece of my life.  My kids are grown (although not quite independent yet), this house needs a new start with new life in it, and I need to look forward to new beginnings.  I can be strong for just a while longer.  I got this!